




1. 神秘的世界


2. 生命的意义


3. 妖怪的文化


4. 女性意识





Spirited Away – A Mysterious and Wonderful World


“Spirited Away” is an anime film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Released in 2001, it caused a sensation at the time. The film, from the perspective of the girl Chihiro, unfolds a surreal and mysterious world that is full of emotions, adventures, and creativity. In 2003, the film was imported into the North American market and was widely praised for its unique visual effects and thought-provoking story. In this animated film, the series of adventures Chihiro experiences carry profound meanings, and allow us to know and think about the values and significance of humanity, life, and culture from different perspectives.


1. A Mysterious World

Although the world depicted in the film is not actual, it is full of human and monster traces, and full of unknown powers and ever-changing forms. The world that Chihiro enters is full of mysteries, with its unique rules and logic, presenting us with an imaginative and mysterious world. Drawn together, the world in the film depicts a picture composed of many different life forms, expressing the value of interdependence and mutual influence among different lives.

2. The Meaning of Life

The value and significance of life in the film are vividly portrayed. For example, through the efforts of Chihiro and Haku, the abandoned bathhouse is revived, a scene that conveys the meaning of re-cognitive and attention to things, as well as the creativity and restoring power of humanity towards them. Moreover, we can see through the lens that Chihiro repeatedly risks herself to protect her friends, which represents the best expression of human moral values.

3. The Culture of Monsters

In the film, Hayao Miyazaki vividly presents Japanese monster culture to the audience. The entity that Chihiro and Haku arrive at, the Japanese folk legend: The Spirit of the Camphor Tree, which also represents the deity of luck. Some scenes that happen in the film are based on traditional Japanese culture and history, such as the confusion of outsiders, the idea of protection and rescue, and so on. These scenes have strong cultural inclusive power and representativeness, which can help viewers understand and appreciate Japanese traditional culture and spirit.

4. Feminine Consciousness

From the beginning to the end of the film, Chihiro is portrayed as a brave and loving character. She is firm in her belief, always considerate of others, and when she realizes that her mother is trapped in the magic, she is determined to find a solution and seek a way out for herself and others. This feminine consciousness in the movie not only represents a high level of understanding of human nature but also represents an attitude towards equality.


“Spirited Away” is an educational film with a lot of meaning, which shows unique perspectives and artistic creativity in many aspects. It is a movie with charm and magic, which can inspire us to value life, culture, morality, and concern about others. Following the adventures of Chihiro, we may discover ourselves in the depths of being lost. The starting point for Chihiro’s adventure is not necessarily becoming a hero or a god. Instead, it is growth and development in constant exploration.


上一篇 2023年6月24日 下午5:18
下一篇 2023年6月24日 下午5:20


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